Gráfica Mexicana

- Catalog of Works from the Taller de Gráfica Popular -
Catálogo de obras del Taller de Gráfica Popular

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Records Returned: 2 works
1 Contributing Artists: Arturo García Bustos,
Years: 1949,
Formats: Unspecified, Cartel,
García Bustos, Arturo, Mariana Yamposlky. s/f
"Congreso Continental Americano por la Paz. México 5-10 de septiembre 1949. Ganaremos la paz si luchamos por ella.", 1949.
Cartel, Grabado en linóleo (papel de china).
82(h) x 60(w) cms.
Catalog #: 6852
Source Info: Prignitz 100
Notes: There are several variants of this poster. As Prignitz notes (p. 319), one version is in English ("American Continental Congress for Peace. September 5-10, 1949. Mexico City. We win peace by uniting for it.") and another has alternate text ("El pueblo de México difunde la paz. Sabludo de los artistas del Taller de Gráfica Popular.").
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García Bustos, Arturo. firmada
"Sinarquismo", s/f.
Grabado en linóleo (papel de china).
34.5(h) x 46.7(w) cms.
Catalog #: 4579
Source Info: TGP Archive 1284
Notes: Possible duplicate of catalog entry 1283.

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